Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Weekend Recap

We have been busy this past weekend and couple of days. I wanted to make sure I blogged about our weekend...because it was probably the best weekend we have had in awhile!

Friday night we had a get together with our old smallgroup. It was suppose to be an outside cookout while watching the Braves play, but turned into pure madness! There were 8 couples (16 adults) and 7 kids (ages 1-3). The kids get along so well! But they were couped up, and needed to run (and SCREAM) around the house :) They were so sweet, just very loud!

Annabelle and Jackson in their jammies, sharing Goldfish :)
Saturday morning, we met Carson, Laurice, and Wes for breakfast. After Collin went grocery shopping, while we hit a consignment sale. It was the last day of the sale, but we found some good stuff (like a Fraggle Rock DVD!...anyone more excited than me?!...). Then we headed to Air Jump! Laurice and I were so excited, we just knew the kids would love it! But after shoving them in the Tweety Bird bounce, we quickly realized that they wanted nothing to do with it :( Our friend Gina got there with Miles (he's a couple of days older than Annabelle), and Miles was a pro, and finally the kids were jumping, climbing, and sliding! It was a hit after all!
Just one of the videos I took Saturday :)

Annabelle, Miles, and Weston
Love hanging out with these Boys!
After we left Air Jump, Annabelle and I went home and CRASHED! We jumped for 1.5 hours, and boy were we tried! After we woke up, Weston got to come play with us while his momma and daddy went to a Braves game! We had the best time! We played inside for a bit, then went outside to walk/run around and decorate the driveway with sidewalk chalk, ate dinner, had baths, and watched a movie till they both passed out.

Love these babies!
 Sunday, Annabelle and I went to first service, then headed to Newnan for an Easter Egg hunt! We stopped by my Sister-In-Law's so Annabelle could nap, and I ended up getting to love on Gracie!
Sweet girl! Fell asleep while drinking her bottle :)
We arrived late to the Easter Egg Hunt, but Annabelle didn't leave empty just kept bringing her eggs :) We stayed for a little bit and talked with Eow.

Love these girls!
We made a pit stop by Gammy and Pappy's on the way home.
Sunday night, Gary and Vicki had everyone over for burgers. We love hanging out with everyone, and of course Annabelle loves to see her boys :)

Getting ready for a busy weekend, full of Easter festivities! My Grandmother from Washington is coming tomorrow! And getting Collin ready to leave for Honduras on Monday.
Not sure if I have really talked about it, but Collin is going to Honduras with Hike with Hope, to take food, water, and love on the people in Delicias...all in the name of JESUS! I am so proud and crazy excited for Collin! It's a fairly short trip...he'll be back the following Saturday, but we will miss him like crazy!
Join me in praying for the team!


Anonymous said...

Yall were BUSY!!!! I loved getting to hang out with yall for most of it! :-)
And I LOVE Anna's school pics! They are adorable!