Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Recap

  • Friday: We attended sweet Evie's 2nd Birthday party! It was a pool party, which is always fun!
  • Saturday Afternoon: A whole bunch of nothing! Annabelle and I met my parents for lunch, while Collin did some yard work and went for a trail ride. After lunch, we browsed Wal-mart. Annabelle fell asleep on the way home, and while she continued her nap I got in a workout. And when she woke up, we went for a stroll around the neighborhood. when we got back, Collin was finishing up his workout, and of course, Annabelle had to join in :)
Father/Daughter Push Ups
  • Saturday Night: We had breakfast for dinner, and movie night. Seems boring, but it was just what we needed!
  • Sunday Morning: I woke up to this in my bed :)       
  • Sunday Afternoon: Lunch, Naps for Collin and Annabelle. I met my old teacher from Kway to get some tickets for concert Collin is going to. Annabelle was in a mode ALL afternoon! Needless to say, she was ready for her 8:00 bedtime!


Anonymous said...

Girl, did you get some new sheets? Those look so pretty! Lookin forward to some girl time while the boys are at Kings of Leon Wednesday! :-)