Monday, March 26, 2012

BIG girl!

Thursday night, we made the switch to Annabelle's BIG girl room!
She was a little sad to see the crib go, but was so excited to show cousin her new bed :)

She did OK for her first night. I think the thing that she was most upset about was cousin leaving :( I laid down with her until she fell asleep.
Friday was an errand day for me. But that night we celebrated Collin;s birthday with friends at Little Hawaiian. It was so yummy!! Annabelle spent some time with her Nana, Pawpaw, and cousin!
She fell asleep on the way home, so we just put her in bed...and she never woke up.

Saturday morning, when she woke up, she called for us to come get her. Ha! We had a very busy day on Saturday!! We were invited to watch The Hunger Games with our friends, so we quickly called my parents to see if Annabelle could spend the night, as we were going to a late showing. They gladly accepted.
We had 2 birthday parties to attend on Saturday. Jackson's 2nd birthday party was at 11, then Tryston and Gauge's at 3. And we had to meet daddy at 5. It was a lot of driving and no naps for Annabelle, but we had a good time!
Collin and I enjoyed a mini date at Longhorn's, roamed around Target and the mall until it was time for the movie.

Sunday, we picked Annabelle up before church, and then the usual: Church, lunch, naps, fresh air, home group!