Thursday, April 12, 2012

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 weeks

Size of baby: Eggplant {13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 pounds}

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +13

Maternity Clothes: I'm still able to wear some of my workout pants and leggings, mostly regular shirts...but maternity jeans are a must!

Gender: It's a BOY! Maxwell {Max} Andrew

Movement: Sometimes I get so worried that he hasn't moved {or I just don't remember}...but he always gives me a kick to remind me he's there.

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good this week!

What I miss: Sleeping on my belly

Cravings: Tuna Salad...yum!

Symptoms: Swollen feet, Braxton Hicks. Luckily I haven't had heartburn or indigestion lately...I wonder if he already lost his hair :)

Best moment this week: I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday. Everything is progressing well. Normal blood pressure! {Which is something I rarely experienced during Annabelle's pregnancy.}
Had another ultrasound on Tuesday. Other then the fact that I waited for OVER 1.5 hours to be seen, it was a good ultrasound!

His little foot by his head
Funny Story: I picked Annabelle up right after my ultrasound. I asked her if she wanted to see Max, and she said yes. So I handed the ultrasound pictures back to her. Then she got this really confused look on her face and asked "Mommy! Is Max naked?!", I had a little laugh and said "Well, yes he is". Her response "He's so silly!"