Monday, August 27, 2012


It's amazing how busy 2 kids can keep you :)

The past 2 weekends either Collin or I have been gone. He had a bachelor trip to the mountains and I traveled to North Carolina with mom this weekend.

While Collin was gone, the kids and I packed up and spent some time at my parents. And while mom and I attended one of Whitney's shower...Annabelle and daddy had a big time. She got to ride the motorcycle {only in the driveway, in front of daddy}.
We were so glad to see Collin when he got home!

Mom and I left for North Carolina on Friday. We, of course, couldn't pass up an opportunity to shop at Carter' we stopped at the outlets in Commerce, GA :)

We finally made it to Aunt Tracey's house and she had dinner ready for us.

Saturday, we helped her set up for a shower she was throwing for her future daughter in law. The shower was beautiful! But I was sad not to partake is most of it, Max had a rough day.

Sunday was a much better day, and Max and I were so glad to see big sister and daddy :) When we got back into town, we met daddy, Annabelle, and Collin for lunch...then home for naps :)

I can't believe Annabelle turned 3.5 last Thursday and Max will be a month old on Wednesday!! So thankful for these kiddos!