Monday, October 1, 2012


Returning to work last week was miserable! 
Not only leaving my children again, but things started changing before I went out on maternity leave and when I came back even more things changed.
Monday night, when I got home, I lost it! I wasn't happy there anymore, I was gone for 12 hours from my kids, and sitting in Atlanta traffic didn't help either.

So, Collin told me to quit.

And Tuesday, I did.

It was the hardest thing I have EVER done! I have been working for 10 years, and I have never quit. Let alone quitting to nothing...well not nothing, just not a paying gig.

This Friday is my last day...and I start my new job immediately. 
I am so excited to start this new journey. I am also so scared to start this journey. I'm not sure HOW we are going to make it {financially and without someone losing their mind}, but we are going to do this. 

So onto the weekend recap:
Friday after I got off work, my fam met momma and daddy for dinner....then Max and I went home with them, so Mom and I could host a shower for Whitney!

Saturday, we got up super early to prepare for Whitney's brunch shower. It was a lovely shower, and Whitney got lots of cute boy stuff :)
While we were at the shower, Collin and Annabelle participated in a service project and did the grocery shopping.
When Max and I finally got home, we quickly unloaded everything, got ready, and we were back out the door. Our friend Davis was getting married that night and we had to drop the kids off with Mimi.

The wedding was beautiful! And fun!

Sunday was my first Sunday back to helping in preschool! I have missed those babies!
After church, and after I FINALLY found my lost keys...we had lunch with friends we haven't seen since before Max was born.
Then after they left, I headed back to church for a women's event! 

Here's to my last week at work!