Monday, April 29, 2013

Max @ 8 & 9 months

Y'all! Where has the first half of the year gone?! I feel like every time I turn around, a new week has begun.
We have been crazy 'round here...Disney world, flu, birthday parties, wedding showers, baby shower, weddings. I am loving this sweet, sweet season of our life right now!

8 Months

  • We went to Disney World! He will never remember it, and it was crazy...but, so thankful for the sweet memories!
  • He got the flu :( He wasn't able to take Tamiflu {he would get sick everytime he took it}, but recovered great and fast!
  • He has 4 teeth!
  • Started army crawling!
  • Wearing 6-9, 9 month clothing and a size 3 diaper.

9 Months
  • Still army crawling, with a little bit of pulling up mixed in! He keeps us on our toes!
  • Has 6 teeth! They are so cute!
  • I spent 3 nights away from him, and he did so good taking a bottle!
  • And of course while I was gone, he started sleeping through the night!
  • Wearing 6-9, 9 month clothing and a size 3 diaper.