Monday, July 23, 2012

Family of 3

This was {probably/HOPEFULLY!} our last weekend as a family of 3! It was exactly what I needed, and now feel ready for sweet Max's arrival!

Thursday night, Mom treated Annabelle and I at the nail salon! Annabelle LOVES to get her nails done! She sits so still and will not get up until they tell her that her nails are dry.

While we were being pampered :) Collin was cleaning out my car and installing Max's carseat.

Friday, Annabelle woke up not feeling so I kept her home from school. She woke up from her nap feeling better, so we attended Sawyer's first birthday party!! We were super late! And the food was we ended up leaving a little early and had dinner with the Reynolds' and Thompson's.

Saturday morning, I scooped Annabelle from her bed and we enjoyed some snuggles :) I was so thankful she let me snuggle her while she watched cartoons in our bed. I'm feeling a little "sad" that she won't get 100% of my attention now, but I know she is going to love having a little brother!!
After snuggles, we got ready and all 3 of us headed to the grocery store. After grocery shopping, I helped host a sweet baby shower for our friend Pam. She is expecting a baby girl next month!
When I got home, Annabelle was getting ready for a nap and she asked me to lay down with her. And we enjoyed a 2 hour nap! While Collin replaced my brakes...ha!
That night we enjoyed dinner with The Ray's!

Sunday, home for lunch, a visit from Grandpa, and another 2 hour nap with Annabelle :)
We had our last home group before Max arrives and finished our book. I love hosting a home group in our home! We love the people, the kids, and the food!

Funny story: Sunday while we were getting ready for church, I couldn't find Annabelle. I finally looked in Max's room and found this...

We are just waiting ducks this week! Praying for a safe and QUICK delivery!